In the Northern Hemisphere July/August is the dead heat of summer. People are outside, kids are playing in the grass, and the sun is at its brightest. This is the time to wear lighter clothing, get into water, and play!
In the North America we have the typical 4 seasons: spring, summer, fall, and winter. Ayurveda takes a different approach and divides the year according to the most prevalent dosha during each period which make 3 seasons: Kapha season (late winter to spring), Pitta season (summer to early fall), and Vata Season (fall into early winter).
In Ayurveda, we are in the Pitta season.
Pitta is made up of two elements, mainly fire with a little water. Pitta season increases the qualities of hot, sharp, light and mobile in both the mind and body. I can definitely feel it in the Minnesota summers with temperatures of 90+ degrees Fahrenheit with 80% humidity. When I step outside I instantly sweat and get irritated. These symptoms are an indicator that my Pitta has elevated.
But when Pitta is balanced, life is good: you experience unmatched energy and drive, mental clarity, joyfulness, vitality, and strength.
Here are a few helpful tips to keep balanced in the Pitta Season:
Like increases like. Therefore we do not want to add anymore heat to our foods when the weather is at its hottest. During the summer months avoid hot, spicy, and salty foods. Instead eat more sweet, bitter, astringent foods like watermelon, ripe grapefruit, leafy greens, beans, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, fennel and cilantro.
The motto for Pitta is ‘less is more.’ In the summer it is easy to over extend ourselves because we want to share in all the activities the season has to offer. Whether that is bbq with friends, taking long bike rides with the family, or paddle boarding with your dog. All are fun! But too much can lead to burnout. Slow down, leave space open on the calendar for relaxation and down time. Then you can really soak up those precious summer moments.
During this time of day the sun is at it’s highest and the ultraviolet rays, which cause sunburn, are the strongest. Go for an early morning swim or an early dinner picnic.
A great way to cool down your senses is to get into nature. If you live in a hustling city where it feels even hotter, find a park or even better yet, a forest nearby to be in shade and let mother earth soften the Pitta edges.
You may not realize how much you loose water by sweating naturally throughout the day in the Pitta Season. Even if you are not working out. It is recommended to drink 8-10 glasses of plain water daily during the summer months. Other cooling and hydrating beverages are fresh coconut water, watermelon juice, and chamomile and hibiscus tea.
Maybe my favorite thing to do… Sit in a comfortable chair or lay flat on the earth under the moonlight and breathe in the coolness of her light. 20-30mins is sufficient but if you have more time take it, it is so soothing to all the senses.
SITALI PRANYAMA- cooling breath
If your mind is feeling heated, angered, irritated, this is a great breath technique to release the heat and cool the mind. Open the mouth and form the lips into an “O.” Curl the tongue into a hotdog bun, Inhale deeply across the tongue and into the mouth as if drinking through a straw. Focus your attention on the cooling sensation of the breath as the abdomen and lower ribs expand.Withdraw the tongue and close the mouth, exhaling completely through the nostrils.
In the summertime I keep a little rose water spritzer in my purse. Anytime I feel the heat in my mind and/or body I spritz myself and instantly I sigh with relief! Rose has an infinity to balance the heart and is a natural anti-inflammatory.
Inner fillet aloe juice is excellent for both Vata and Pitta doshas by cleansing the liver. Vata represents busy-ness and Pitta we know brings the heat. Mix the two and we have an erupting volcano! In order to balance this flare up sensation the aloe juice cools the liver and our senses retreat back to normal. Make sure it is the inner fillet aloe juice as whole leaf aloe juice is a laxative.
As you begin to feel the changing of the seasons and identify the qualities within, you will begin to intuitively navigate the challenges that arise. Understanding the qualities of each season can help you reduce any adverse health effects. The specifics of a summer time routine will undoubtedly vary from one person to the next, but we all stand to benefit by simply aligning our internal rhythms with those at play around us in the natural world.
Aum shanti.