शरीरेन्द्रिय सत्वात्मा संयोगो। – चरक संहिता १।४२

śarīrendriya satvātmā saṃyogo।1.42 Charaka Samhita

Ayurveda is the union of Shareera (body), Indriya (sense organs), Satva (mind) and Atma (soul).


The word Ayurveda is a conjugation of two Sanskrit words ‘ayus’, meaning ‘life’, and ‘veda’ meaning ‘science’.
Together Ayurveda is the ‘Science of Life’, often referred to as the “Mother of All Healing.”

  • Ayurveda is an ancient science that works with diet, lifestyle, herbalism, and pranayama (energy control through breath techniques) to correct any imbalances, disturbances, and/or disease in the body and mind. This is a natural medical practice that is 5,000 years old originating in India and has thrived upto modern days. How? Suffering in ancient times only looks different in its external context, but the inner suffering has not changed. Ayurveda is timeless knowledge because it is a systematic approach to understanding how each individual has a unique rhythm to nature. When we are out of harmony with that rhythm we begin to suffer in the mind and body. Ayurveda unravels this disharmony to the original source and gives a direct path to healing the patient’s unique rhythm.
  • Ayurveda and Yoga as Sister Sciences~ Abbey Leigh MAS believes you cannot have one without the other. Think of a sacred space; a church, mosque, temple, nature… when you enter into this sacred space it is pristine, clean, quiet, a place where the Divine dwells. It is as if Ayurveda is the science of keeping your temple (your body and mind) pristine in order for the Yoga, the spirituality, to flow through. Utilizing both sciences allows for the sacred experience of uniting with a greater source to be experienced. Therefore, together, Ayurveda and Yoga are truly an art and science of healthy living. 

*Ayurvedic Doctors are not Medical Doctors

**Ayurvedic Doctors may not make suggestions about altering your Western medical care.They may not recommend altering your prescriptions without the approval of your medical doctor. Abbey Leigh AyD may suggest that you speak to your doctor about reducing medication when it is appropriate.

***In the State of California, Ayurveda is a non-licensed profession. Its practice was formally legalized under the passage of Senate Bill 577 in January 2003.4.



Abbey Leigh, Doctor of Ayurveda also works complimentary to any other mode of healthcare and can create a relationship with your Natropaths/MDs etc
to share information and to be able to create a holistic protocol for you. All visits done via Zoom until further notice. 

Initial Consultation

A 2hour complete Ayurvedic medical assessment where Abbey Leigh and patient will review the initial consultation paperwork. The intake assessment includes past medical history, diet, routines, lifestyle and physiological functions. Upon review Abbey Leigh will take the information and create an Ayurvedic Assessment. This will be given at the first follow up visit.

1st Follow Up Visit

At this visit, Abbey Leigh will give you a 7-8 page handout that will tell you what your perfect balance is, where you are today, why, and how to get you back in balance. This will include recommendations for herbal prescription, lifestyle changes, dietary, body therapies and/or spiritual practices.

Continued Follow Up Visits

Abbey Leigh’s role is to support you to make these changes successfully. With regular visits, you will be motivated and supported to make the necessary changes in your life. Each Follow Up Visit, Abbey Leigh will give you an assignment, kind of like homework: something to work on between visits. At your visit, Abbey Leigh will check in with you to see how things are going and make adjustments accordingly

40Day Sadhana

In the yogic tradition it takes 40days to change a habit or a behavior. Abbey Leigh design a 40day sadhana (practice) that will utilize asana, pranayama, mantra, kriya, and meditation geared specifically to you and what you want to work on.

* Note, this price includes 4 Follow Up visits, video and template. 


2x yearly, fall and spring, Abbey Leigh creates cleanses uniquely tailored to her patient’s needs. The patient will receive a Follow Up Visit where you will review a complete template with detailed instruction. Must be a current patient of Abbey Leigh’s.


Abbey Leigh offers mentorship to Ayurvedic practitioners at the Ayurvedic Health Counseling and Clinical Ayurvedic Specialists levels. She reviews cases and provides guidance around case management, Pancha Karma application and herbal formulations.

Jyotisa Vedic Astrology reading

Abbey Leigh provide a natal reading of your vedic astrology chart to show applicable ways to create a life path more aligned with your material and spiritual purpose.